March 13, 2013

Setup Checklists for WMS

bishnupc / /

Setup Checklists for WMS

·         Organization Parameter
Enable WMS attribute
Serial Control
Lot Control
LPN Control
Crossdocking Information
Time Zone
Default Cycle Count Header
Default Picking Rule
Default Put away rule
Cartonization Options
Default pick task type
Default replenishment task type
Default Move Order Transaction Type
Default Move Order issue Task Type
·         Subinventory attributes
·         Locator attributes
·         Setup System Profiles in System Administrator
WMS: Label files Prefix
WMS: Label Print Mode
MWA: Enable Personalization
MWA: Cache Personalized Metadata
Change the data for the MSCA Responsibilities created.
·         Setup Resources in Warehouse Manager
·         Setup Departments in Warehouse Manager
·         Setup Assign Label Types to Business Flows in Warehouse Manager
Business Flows:
Miscellaneous/ Alias Receipt
Pick Load
Pack / Unpack / Split LPN
·         Setup Assign Printers to Documents in Warehouse Manager
·         Setup Standard Task Types in Warehouse and assign the resources
Eg: Cycle Count, PICK
·         Setup WMS Rules in Warehouse Manager
Put away and Pick Rules are defined here.
·         Setup WMS Rule Strategies
·         Setup in WMS Rule Workbench
·         Setup Cycle Counts
·         Submit the License Plate Generation request
·         Setup MWA Personalization Framework in Warehouse Manager

For Detailed Navigation for the setups click here
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