Q. What are the approval hierarchy
Q. What approval hierarchy you use in your implementation?
Q. How to check what is the approval hierarchy used in your system?
Ans: If Use Approval Hierarchy option is enabled in the Financial Options form, it will use the position based hierarchy. If it is disabled then it will use the supervisor based hierarchy.
Q. How to send the PO to a person before even approval who has that approval limit not through workflow hierarchy
Q. Where to do the setup for specific approval limit for a person?
Q: What is Charge Account?
A: Charge account in PO distribution is used as a debit account during the PO delivery process(the account to charge for the cost of the item).
If PO is for an inventory item, then mostly the charge account will be defaulted from the subinventory or organization material account.
If it is for an expense item, then the account will be defaulted from the subinventory or organization item expense account
Q: How Charge Acount default?
A: PO Charge account, in fact all purchasing accounts will be derived from the Account generator workflow items
Q: Can a PO be created without Item?
A: Yes you can create a purchase order without an item.
in purchase order, you can create different line type as per the types of product or services you want to buy.
Either this can be an inventory item or this can be a consulting service or labor
Ref doc: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/A60725_05/html/comnls/us/po/linety01.htm
Q: Differences between Internal Sales Orders and Inter-Organization transfer
A: Explore more here
Explore more here
Q: What validations happen for Create Release program for creating a BPA release for a requisition?
Questions will be Answered soon if not answered already. Meanwhile you can post more questions in the comment also you can answer to above questions in the comment.
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Q: Differences between Internal Sales Orders and Inter-Organization transfer
A: Explore more here
- IR-ISO has approval process whereas there is no approval process for Inter-Org transfer
- The IR cycle useful for more tracking, control (IR, SO), approvals and generating pick slips whereas Inter-Org transfer is a one step transaction, simple flow, more user friendly and no interfaces involved
- RMA is possible in Internal Sales Order whereas in Inter-Org transfer there is no functionality to Cancel, delete or Return or not receive an In-transit Shipment
Q: When Internal Sales Order and Internal Requisition will be picked up by Inter-Company invoicing process?
A: Internal sales order and Internal requisitions will be picked by Inter-company invoice process on the following conditions:
A: Internal sales order and Internal requisitions will be picked by Inter-company invoice process on the following conditions:
- In shipping method, transfer type should be Intransit
- Profile Option INV:Inter-company Invoice for Internal Orders value is Yes on site level. This will be used for creating Account Payable in the Intercompany Invoice process.
Q: What validations happen for Create Release program for creating a BPA release for a requisition?
- Sourcing rule exists or not for the item
- Whether ASL defined or not
- BPA and Line details mentioned in ASL or not
- BPA should be approved
- Corresponding BPA line should not be cancelled
- BPA terms effective dates should satisfy the date on release creation
- BPA agreement for qty or amount should satisfy the release qty
- Rel qty should satisfy the BPA min release qty
Questions will be Answered soon if not answered already. Meanwhile you can post more questions in the comment also you can answer to above questions in the comment.
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