Item Setups and Controls before defining Item
Certain set of Setups and controls need to be defined before defining an Item. These controls enable to maintain, group, query, reference and delete items.
1. Create an Item Master organization to define all of your items. This enables you to assign items to other organizations without re-creating all of the item information.
2. Set attribute control levels. Choose between centralized and decentralized control of item attributes. For each item attribute, you can determine whether the value of the attribute should be the same for an item in every organization in which you define the item.
3. Define container types for the physical attribute group.
4. Set status controls to use attributes, such as Purchasable and Transactable, to control the functionality of each item. You can set them for any type of item status.
5. Define picking rules for the Order Entry attribute group.
6. Define item types to use when defining items. These values appear in the list of values for the User Item Type item attribute.
7. Define templates to assign major attributes that are the same for a group of items. Apply the template when you create an item, and fill in only the item attributes not already defined by the template.
8. Define cross-references to establish relationships between items and entities such as old item numbers or supplier item numbers.
9. Define commodity codes for use in customer items.
10. Define customer items and customer item cross-references.
11. Defining kanban cards and pull sequences.
12. Define categories and category sets to group items for various reports and programs. A category is a grouping of items with similar characteristics. A category set is a grouping of categories.
13. Define item catalogs to group items that share similar descriptive elements. Use the catalogs to search for items by descriptive elements instead of by part number.
14. Optionally, define delete constraints that are verified before you can delete an item.