May 16, 2012

Oracle Inventory: Organization Hierarchy

bishnupc / /

Organization Hierarchy


Organization hierarchies enable you to group together organizations and perform operations across all organizations within a hierarchy. You can perform the following operations across all organizations within an organization hierarchy:
·         Assign items to organizations: You can assign an item to any organization that belongs to the same master organization within the same hierarchy. You can also assign a range of items or item categories to a single organization, as well as a range of items or categories to multiple organizations.
·         Copy item attributes: You can manage item attributes for many organizations in one place. You can verify that an item or group of items were set up correctly, copy organization-level item attributes from one item to other organizations that use the item, and copy item attributes from one item to another within an organization.
·         View item information: You can view on-hand quantity information as well as item where used information for organizations.
·         Open and close accounting periods: You can open and close accounting periods
·         Purge transactions: You can purge transactions
·         Process transactions with the Inventory Transaction Open Interface: You can use the Inventory Transaction Open Interface to review, submit, or cancel transactions.
·         Manage bills of materials: You can create common bills of material for organizations as well as delete items, bills, components, routings, and operations.
·         Manage engineering change orders: You can automatically implement as well as make changes to engineering change orders

Organization Reports

1.       Item Subinventory Reports: Lists items assigned to subinventories
2.       Locator Quantities Reports: Shows inventory item quantities stored in specified locators
3.       Subinventory Quantities Report: Shows inventory quantities by subinventory.
4.       Freight Carrier Listing: Lists the freight carrier codes for the current organization
5.       Inter-Organization Shipping Information Listing: Lists the shipping networks for the current organization
6.       Locator Listing: Lists the locators for the current organizations
7.       Organization Parameter Listing: Lists the organization parameters for the current organization
8.       Subinventory Listing: Lists the subinventories for the current organization
9.       Organization Hierarchy Exception Report: Displays all organizations belongs to a legal entity that are not assigned to an organization hierarchy.

Profile Options:

1.       INV: Inter-Organization currency conversion
This indicates the currency conversion for inter-organization transfer between organizations using different currencies. Available values are: Corporate, Spot or User
·         Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. The corporate exchange rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.
·         Spot: An exchange rate you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.
·         User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry that does not have a daily exchange rate.
2.       TP: INV Inter-Organization Transfer form
This indicates the processing control of inter-organization transfers in the Inter-Organization transfer window. Available values are: Background processing, concurrent processing or online processing.
·         Background processing: When processing starts, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The inter-organization transfer transactions run on a periodic basis.
·         Concurrent processing: When the concurrent process runs, you retain control so you can continue working in the system windows. Displays the concurrent request number of the concurrent process that is running the inter-organization transfer transactions.
·         On-line processing: Processes your inter-organization transfer transactions while you wait, and control is returned to you after transaction processing has completed. When Oracle Inventory is installed, this is the default value that is used for all levels of responsibility.
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