September 11, 2015

Types of Move Order

bishnupc / /

Types Of Move Order

Move orders are created from different sources.
This can be identified from the Move Order header move order type field.

Different types of Move Orders are 

Move Order Requisitions: 

These are created from the move order form. Based on the setup at the organization and item level, move orders require approval before they can be allocated and transacted. These requisitions can be created to charge an account or move the material from one subinventory to another.

Replenishment Move Orders: 

These are auto-created with pre approved status. Depending on the planning type you can replenish the quantity in a subinventory for an item. Three types of replenishment plans (in relation to move orders) are available:
  • Min-max Replenishment Planning
  • Kanban Replenishment Planning
  • Replenishing Count planning

Based on these sources, when appropriate programs are run, move orders are automatically created.

Pick Wave Move Order Requisitions: 

These move orders are specifically for the sales order picking process. When Pick Releasing program is run move orders are created as preapproved and allocated(depending on the Pick Release setup). Pick Confirm process transacts these pick wave move orders.
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