September 7, 2014

Oracle Order Management: Drop Ship Flow

bishnupc / /

Setting up the Item first

Master Level:
Inventory Item, Stockable, Transactable
Purchased, Purchasable, List Price

Order Management:
Customer Ordered, Customer Order Enabled, Shippable, OE Transactable
Default SO Source Type should be External
Internal Ordered, Internal Order Enabled (These 2 if the drop ship will happen from internal organization)


Organization Level Setup:



Now create the Sales Order

Make sure source type is External
Now Book the order

Now the line is in Booked

Workflow is deferred for Purchase Release
Run the workflow Background
After the program completes, re query the SO

Now the time, you can see the record both in Drop Ship table and Po Req Interface table
select * from apps.oe_order_headers_all where order_number = '66411';
select * from apps.OE_DROP_SHIP_SOURCES where header_id = 190500;
select * from apps.po_requisitions_interface_all where creation_date >= sysdate-1/24;
Now run the Requisition Import Program

If this program not able to create the requisition, then please check the error if any in below table
select * from apps. PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS where transaction_id = <transaction_id from po_requisition_interface_all table>
Once the program, completes, lets check the Req details in Sales order line, additional Information , Drop Ship tab

PO Creation

Now take this Requisition and Auto Create PO from this using the Purchasing responsibility

Click Automatic

Select the supplier and Site and click Create
This will create the PO

Now check the details and Submit for Approval

Wait till you get the confirmation from supplier for the shipments either by ASN or any EDI communication.
Now you can see this PO details in SO Line, Drop Ship tab

PO Receiving

Once confirmed, then go ahead and do the receipt

Once received, check the transaction completion.
Once the receiving transaction completed, go and check the SO line status

Now run the workflow background program, this will close the line

This will interface the record to Receivable
Now run the Autoinvoice Master program to create the Receivable Invoice
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